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Discover the real cost behind your freight.

Pricing models in the third-party freight provider industry are intentionally confusing and often leave you in the dark about the true costs impacting your business.

To bring clarity to this complexity, we created some resources that aim to provide clear insights into what truly affects your bottom line.


Under the hidden margin model, freight management providers consolidate their customers’ shipping expenses into one account. From here, they negotiate favorable discounts with carriers and pass some of these savings on to you. However, they won't disclose how much they're charging. Why is that?


Under the gain share pricing model, freight management providers receive a percentage of the savings they source for their customers. But here's the catch—your projected savings are contingent on moving all managed freight volume to their program. So, what happens when you don't?


Simplify the complex, uncover the hidden.

Download a copy of our eBook to take a closer look into each pricing model and an even better alternative.

Ready for a change?

Let's talk about what you are really paying for and what is best for you and your freight program.